Workshop starts in...

Master Your Books and Achieve Financial Clarity Without an Accountant

Discover the secrets to stress-free bookkeeping and unlock your business's full potential in this transformative free workshop.

May 15th 2024 | 8pm CAT | 1pm CST | 2pm EST

Say goodbye to financial overwhelm and hello to clarity, confidence, and growth."

You're not alone.

Many business owners struggle with the complexities of financial management

Often believing that hiring an expensive accountant is their only option. But what if there was another way?

Don't sign up if you not interested in...

  • Gain financial clarity: Attend this workshop and gain a clear understanding of your business finances, enabling you to make informed decisions and drive your venture forward.

  • Save money on accounting fees: By learning how to manage your own books, you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars in accounting fees each year.

  • Increase your financial confidence: This workshop will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to feel confident and in control of your business finances

  • Identify growth opportunities: With a better understanding of your financial situation, you'll be able to identify opportunities for growth and make strategic decisions to scale your business.

  • Streamline your financial processes: Learn time-saving techniques and best practices for managing your books, allowing you to focus more on your passion and growing your business.

Our Promise

At Bantu Consulting, we understand that every business faces its own set of challenges and opportunities, especially when it comes to managing finances.

If you're an entrepreneur who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the financial aspect of your business, the "Don't Hire That Accountant" workshop is designed specifically for you.

Walk away knowing...

  • Know your numbers: Create a budget, understand financial reports, and keep track of your money. You'll make better choices for your business when you know your numbers.

  • DIY bookkeeping made easy: Learn basic bookkeeping skills every business owner should have. Set up your books, keep them organized, and save time with simple tools and tricks.

  • Make smart money move: Use your financial info to make decisions that help your business grow. Find out what numbers matter most, plan for growth, and boost your profits.

  • Tackle taxes with confidence: Get a grip on tax basics and how they affect your business. Be ready for tax time, claim deductions, and keep more money in your pocket.

Take charge of your financial destiny and create the successful, profitable business

Hi, I'm Kgalemang

Vivian Boza

I'm a passionate advocate for financial literacy and access to financial tools, especially for women and youth. I firmly believe that empowering girls financially leads to nurturing financially empowered children.

As a specialist in providing clear financial guidance for entrepreneurs, particularly women, I am dedicated to guiding them towards achieving ultimate financial freedom.

Through my action-oriented approach and unwavering drive, I continue to make a significant impact in the field, inspiring individuals to take charge of their financial destinies.

I run a 6-figure business consulting and money coaching practice at BW Bantu Consulting and Bantu Consulting USA. Outside of my professional life, I am an enthusiastic gardener, a countertop brewer, and I love a good cup of tea.

Why Attend

"Know your Numbers" Workshop

Learn the Basics

of Small




if you are

Making a

Profit or a Loss

Learn When and

How to Prepare
Finances for Funding